The Be You! Book by Amal Marie Samuel


I won this in a First Reads giveaway on Goodreads, but all opinions are my own.
This is a quick read and it seems like it was geared more towards high school or college aged people. There was some good advice for me in here, like how to tell if someone is lying, and I like that Samuel uses “a person” instead of “he/she” to describe the reader’s potential love interest, but a lot of it wasn’t very useful to me at this stage in my life.
I like that each chapter ends with an interview (even though I didn’t know who most of the people were). My favorite interview the author did was with actor/producer Stefan Brogren. I love Degrassi! (He plays Snake in the original series from the 80’s and the reboot.) Getting his insight into the show and learning more about him was cool.

I gave this 3/5 stars.