Unhauling Books

Do you ever look at all of the books that you own and think, I’m not going to read all of these? Or why am I keeping some of these? That’s basically where I’m at.

I keep a list of all of the books that I physically own that I haven’t read yet and, after adding the last few books that I bought, I was at 430 unread books. There are books that I got at the thrift shop probably 10 years ago that I haven’t read yet. I was talking things over with a friend that I trust and decided to get rid of some.

I went through my Goodreads and made a list of anything that’s rated under 3.5 stars and also got rid of some that I know I just won’t read. For books that I’ve already read, I just got rid of things that I won’t read again. I’ve gotten rid of about 50 books so far and there are still 50 on my list. I did the same thing with my Kindle books and deleted 62. I still have 52 to go.

Is this something people would be interested in me updating my progress in? How often do you unhaul your books?