End of Year Update

My reading goal for this year was originally 15. I moved it up to 20 in the summer and I ended up reading 28 books this year. That probably isn’t a lot to most people, but I work 6 days a week and often work 8-10 days straight. I’ll take it!

I’m still working on unhauling my books and cleaning up my tbr. I see a few people on here do the “Down the TBR Hole” posts, but does anyone else just do a mass delete at the end of the year? I just deleted any Kindle book from my Amazon wishlist that had been on there for longer than 5 years (Added in 2018 or earlier) and removed them from my Want to Read shelf on Goodreads. There were 41. I’ve also gotten rid of a few more physical books since my last post about unhauling. Of course, I’ve purchased more too.

My main reading goals for 2024 are:

-Read 20 Books

-Stick to a book buying ban

What are your reading goals for next year? Do you set reading goals?

Unhauling Books

Do you ever look at all of the books that you own and think, I’m not going to read all of these? Or why am I keeping some of these? That’s basically where I’m at.

I keep a list of all of the books that I physically own that I haven’t read yet and, after adding the last few books that I bought, I was at 430 unread books. There are books that I got at the thrift shop probably 10 years ago that I haven’t read yet. I was talking things over with a friend that I trust and decided to get rid of some.

I went through my Goodreads and made a list of anything that’s rated under 3.5 stars and also got rid of some that I know I just won’t read. For books that I’ve already read, I just got rid of things that I won’t read again. I’ve gotten rid of about 50 books so far and there are still 50 on my list. I did the same thing with my Kindle books and deleted 62. I still have 52 to go.

Is this something people would be interested in me updating my progress in? How often do you unhaul your books?