End of Year Update

My reading goal for this year was originally 15. I moved it up to 20 in the summer and I ended up reading 28 books this year. That probably isn’t a lot to most people, but I work 6 days a week and often work 8-10 days straight. I’ll take it!

I’m still working on unhauling my books and cleaning up my tbr. I see a few people on here do the “Down the TBR Hole” posts, but does anyone else just do a mass delete at the end of the year? I just deleted any Kindle book from my Amazon wishlist that had been on there for longer than 5 years (Added in 2018 or earlier) and removed them from my Want to Read shelf on Goodreads. There were 41. I’ve also gotten rid of a few more physical books since my last post about unhauling. Of course, I’ve purchased more too.

My main reading goals for 2024 are:

-Read 20 Books

-Stick to a book buying ban

What are your reading goals for next year? Do you set reading goals?