Unhauling Books

Do you ever look at all of the books that you own and think, I’m not going to read all of these? Or why am I keeping some of these? That’s basically where I’m at.

I keep a list of all of the books that I physically own that I haven’t read yet and, after adding the last few books that I bought, I was at 430 unread books. There are books that I got at the thrift shop probably 10 years ago that I haven’t read yet. I was talking things over with a friend that I trust and decided to get rid of some.

I went through my Goodreads and made a list of anything that’s rated under 3.5 stars and also got rid of some that I know I just won’t read. For books that I’ve already read, I just got rid of things that I won’t read again. I’ve gotten rid of about 50 books so far and there are still 50 on my list. I did the same thing with my Kindle books and deleted 62. I still have 52 to go.

Is this something people would be interested in me updating my progress in? How often do you unhaul your books?

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Tanie's Reviews

I love reading, listening to music and watching wrestling. I read mostly Young Adult books. I love paranormal books (especially vampire ones), books with lgbtq+ characters, biographies (actors, musicians and wrestlers) and non-fiction about music, movies and wrestling.

10 thoughts on “Unhauling Books”

  1. I always love hearing about people unhauling books. I feel it give me some sort of motivation. I’m just so bad with holding on to books. I’m like I swear I’m going to read these one day. i really need to be better about it.

    1. That’s what I kept doing, but I realized that I’m just not going to with some of these. Sometimes I would donate books that weren’t good after I read them, but otherwise, I’ve been keeping a ton of stuff. Thank you for reading and commenting!

      1. I’ve been donating a lot of books to little libaries. There is one a block away from me and they’ve been getting some of my books. I’m trying to declutter espesically cause my bookcases don’t have room for books. It can be tough sometimes though.

      2. It’s great that you’re doing that. I really like those little free libraries. There are two by me. I agree that it can be tough. I had to really think about some of the ones I donated.

  2. I did the same recently. I’ve gotten rid of some I know I won’t read and ones I’ve read but didn’t enjoy enough that I would read again.

  3. I think some people would be interested in this for the same living-vicariously thrill we get watching people unbox things, or even give tours of their shelves. I often watch minimalist videos from people who only own ~100 things for that reason. I’m personally involved in a “dehauling” of my own: I made a list of the 80+ books I physically own but haven’t read, and am slowly working through them. At 58% presently!

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